News from Retrievers Club

Approval of the statutory changes

  • 4 January 2019
  • Author: Segreteria RCI
  • Number of views: 16749

In a peaceful and friendly atmosphere it was held today at 12 noon in Rome at the "Flexxi Center" Via Trequanda 2-16 (corner Via della Magliana 317-325), the RCI Extraordinary Assembly having as agenda "Approval of Changes to the Corporate Statute of the Italian Retrievers Club ", following the regular convocation of December 18th, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of the Articles of Association, with 105 members present in person and by proxy, out of 117 shareholders entitled to vote the legal number has been reached.

Voting result: 105 in favor out of 105 voters, no vote against and no abstentions.

The statutory changes are therefore approved unanimously by those present.

In thanking all the members who have faced a long journey to support the goodness of this project, we will publish the minutes of assembly in the coming days. Soon we will update the institutional site with the changes made to the Articles of Association.

In the certainty of doing what pleases, we publish the statutory changes and the regulation of the RCI peripheral organs.



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