News from Retrievers Club

Relazione della giudice Mrs Val Tregaskis sul Raduno di Cervia

  • 18 giugno 2013
  • Autore: Segreteria RCI
  • Number of views: 1005
  • 0 Commenti

Firsty i would like to thank the committee for your kind invitation to judge our lovely breed. Hospitality has been first class so much appreciated. The venue for the show was excellent with lovely lever surface and good sised rings which allowed for the opportunities to assess movement.

Secondly i thank the exibitors for presenting your dogs to me, generally i found some very exhibits. 

A couple of things to consider in your future breeding programmes:

  1. I found a few incorrect mouth with level bites or drop teeth;
  2. A few light eyes which detract from the expression;
  3. A few exibitors were over trimmed around the shoulder area;

All though not having the pleasure of judging the bitches, i was able to draw or assessment from the ringside and i found generally exhibits were too short in the leg or long in the back giving a long or low appearance something to be considered in future breeding.

Generally a lovely entry to delighted with my best of breed.

Val Tregaskis

Categorie: Golden Retriever
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